
Donor Rankings, 2023

4th Core Contributions
9th Non Core Contributions
6th Overall Contributions

Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.

The Netherlands is a steadfast and generous partner of UNFPA. The country’s official development cooperation programme features sexual and reproductive health and rights as major targets for international assistance. The Netherlands’ policy and interests align with the work of UNFPA, in particular with regards to sexuality education and services for young people, access to contraceptives, antiretrovirals and other medications, sexual and reproductive health care as part of basic health systems, and respect for the rights of marginalized groups.

Specific areas of collaboration between UNFPA and the Netherlands include: family planning and reproductive health commodity security globally via the UNFPA Supplies Partnership; sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and youth in Africa and the Arab States; strengthening inclusive social protection and health systems (including Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) in Sudan; and protecting women and girls from gender-based violence in Yemen.

Reinette Klever, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development © Image: Martijn Beekman

Key Results 2023

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Maternal deaths averted

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Unintended pregnancies prevented

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Unsafe abortions prevented

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Women and young people reached with integrated sexual and reproductive health services

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Sexually transmitted infections prevented by provision of female and male condoms

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Couple year protections generated

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Women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment

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HIV infections prevented by provision of female and male condoms

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Marginalized girls were reached by life skills programmes

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Women, adolescents and youth benefited from the high-quality services related to harmful practices

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Girls saved from female genital mutilation

Key results are for illustrative purposes only, and reflect what a donor has contributed to through funding to UNFPA in 2022. Key results presented here may not reflect the figures provided by government donors.

UNFPA and the Netherlands
Key results brochure

Contributions Since 2014

  • All
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023

Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

News & Updates

SANA’A, Yemen/OSLO, Norway – When Maram* showed up at her parents' house, battered and bruised by her husband, her mother urged her to be less stubborn, more obedient – anything to avoid a divorce. It was a nightmare…
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SANA'A, Yemen – Bushra was only 14 years old when her family arranged a child marriage to an older man, and a year later she became pregnant. She was a mother of six when her husband lost his job. Suddenly the family…
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JARDAN, Yemen – Over a million pregnant women and new mothers require urgent aid in Yemen, the site of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Mohsina was one of these women when she went into labour at the end of a…
21 February 2019 Read Story