European Union

Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.

The European Union (EU) is a solid political and financial partner to UNFPA, providing vital support to UNFPA's programmes through the European Commission. Over the 2018-2022 period, the European Union contributed USD 431 million to support UNFPA’s normative work and operations. 


The European Union prioritizes sexual and reproductive health and rights, the prevention of gender-based violence, and the elimination of harmful practices against women and girls. Together, UNFPA and the European Union partner to address female genital mutilation, child and forced marriage, and sexual and gender-based violence. 


The collaboration with the European Union extends through the Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), where the European Commission engages in global programmes such as the UNFPA Supplies Partnership and the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage, and the global programme to “Prevent Son Preference and Gender-Biased Sex Selection”. DG INTPA, together with its EU delegations, partners with UNFPA on projects in 14 countries, addressing sexual and reproductive health, gender equality, census activities, and youth engagement. The EU is at the forefront of ending violence against women and girls with UNFPA through the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative, with €500 million in funding.


As UNFPA’s fourth largest provider of humanitarian support in 2023 through generous funding from the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), the EU supported the delivery of life-saving reproductive health and protection services to women and young people at greatest risk in 15 countries.


Through its Directorate General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), the European Commission collaborates with UNFPA in 15 countries, focusing on projects promoting gender equality, combating violence against women, challenging harmful social norms, enhancing youth participation, and ensuring access to quality sexual and reproductive health services.

Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships
Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management
Olivér Várhelyi, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement
Gender equality and empowerment of women is at the heart of our mission to build back a more inclusive, fair and resilient world. Everyone should have the same power and opportunities to shape society and their own lives. We continue to support trusted partners like UNFPA to ensure that all women and young people have access to quality and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services.
Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships
The European Commission is committed to promoting women and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and to preventing and responding to gender-based violence in emergencies. Gender-based violence is deeply rooted in gender inequality, predominantly affecting women and girls, their health, rights, and protection. UNFPA provides high-quality services that bridge protection, gender equality and sexual and reproductive health. Through our partnership with UNFPA, we have provided relief to thousands of women and girls in emergencies all around the world. I would like to thank UNFPA for their important work, and I look forward to continuing our strong cooperation.
Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management
"The EU plays a crucial role in promoting equality, respect, and non-discrimination towards each other in the Western Balkans and the neighbourhood. As these are core values and fundamental rights in the EU, discrimination or violence against any members of the society can never be tolerated. The European Commission pays particular attention to protecting women and the most vulnerable members of society, such as Roma women. Therefore, we support education and the lifelong learning of the society – with a special focus on young people – enabling them to be active participants and contributors promoting these fundamental values in our partner countries' local communities and economies. UNFPA is a key partner in equipping young people with the right skills and motivation and providing avenues for meaningful civic and political participation."
Olivér Várhelyi, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement

Key Results 2023

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Maternal deaths averted

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Unintended pregnancies prevented

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Unsafe abortions prevented

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Women and young people reached with integrated sexual and reproductive health services

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Sexually transmitted infections prevented by provision of female and male condoms

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Couple year protections generated

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Women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment

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HIV infections prevented by provision of female and male condoms

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Marginalized girls were reached by life skills programmes

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Women, adolescents and youth benefited from the high-quality services related to harmful practices

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Girls saved from female genital mutilation

Key results are for illustrative purposes only, and reflect what a donor has contributed to through funding to UNFPA in 2022. Key results presented here may not reflect the figures provided by government donors.

UNFPA and the European Commission Key results brochure

Contributions Since 2014

  • All
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020

Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

News & Updates

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