
Let's Talk! Next-generation vision for the ICPD

01 Apr 2024


On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD30) and ahead of the upcoming ICPD30 Global Youth Dialogue, UNFPA hosted a conversation with the theme: “Next-generation vision for the ICPD.” 

The event offered a virtual space for young people and civil-society partners to exchange fresh ideas and insights on the future of the ICPD agenda before the Global Youth Dialogue, which will be held on 4–5 April in Cotonou, Benin.

The young leaders steering the five sessions of the conversation did the following:

  • Shared the vision for the Global Youth Dialogue.
  • Reflected on the value of cross-movement-building and inclusion of diverse youth.
  • Highlighted why each of five priority themes (below) matter. 
  • Discussed views to be considered during discussions in Cotonou.

The conversation focused on the following themes of the Global Youth Dialogue : 

  1. My body, my life: Fulfilling the right to sexual and reproductive health and well-being.
  2. Radical inclusion: Protecting human rights and advancing gender equality and racial justice.
  3. Transforming education, transforming lives: Expanding capabilities and opportunities for young people.
  4. Adapting, thriving and inspiring: Crafting resilient futures in a world in crisis.
  5. Rising voices: The power of 1.9 billion.

An image of speakers and events taking place at the ICPD global youth dialogue.

This conversation is the second of the “Let’s Talk!” series – monthly virtual ICPD30 talks offering a dedicated space for stakeholders, including civil society members and young people, to unpack and discuss priority and polarizing ICPD issues.

Opening remarks were delivered by Diene Keita, Deputy Executive Director – Programme, UNFPA. Among the speakers were Lucy Fagan, Policy Officer for the ​​Major Group for Children and Youth; Abdulkarim Harakow, Danish UN Youth Delegate; Simone Mbode Diouf, African Union Youth Ambassador for Peace; Monserrath Lopez, Health and Well-being Manager, World Scout Bureau; and Gilma Viera da Silva, Coordinator Red de Juventudes Afrodescendientes de America Latina y el Caribe.

Watch the conversation here.

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