Contraceptive Commodities for Women's Health
Key Data and Findings
Number of pages: 29
Publication date: 01 Jan 2012
Author: UNFPA
Number of pages: 29
Publication date: 01 Jan 2012
Author: UNFPA
Expanding access to a choice of affordable and appropriate contraceptive commodities is critical to achieving the goal of reproductive health for all. This report, prepared for the United Nations Commission on Commodities for Women and Children’s Health, provides a review of three contraceptive commodities that are considered to be overlooked or underutilized: the female condom, hormonal implants and emergency contraception
In selecting for special attention these three overlooked contraceptive methods, the Commission focused on ensuring access to methods that are in demand, show promise for increasing public health benefits (including beyond pregnancy prevention), and have received inadequate attention from the public and private sector. To realize the full public health benefits, it is also essential to ensure that women are able to choose a method that fits within their own fertility goals and life circumstances.
Under the auspices of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Every Woman Every Child initiative, the Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children advocates at the highest levels for the increased availability, affordability and accessibility of essential but underutilized commodities for maternal and child health.