High-level Political Forum

08 - 17 July 2024


The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development will take place under the auspices of the United Nations Economic and Social Council this year with the theme: “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: The effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions.”

The forum, without prejudice to the integrated and indivisible nature of the Sustainable Development Goals, will review in-depth:

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

UNFPA, together with the national governments of Colombia, Georgia, Nepal and Spain, will host a side event on the margins of the forum on July 9, from 1:15–2:30 p.m. EST, titled, “Advancing women’s sexual and reproductive agency: Key to accelerating SDG Progress, eradicating poverty and building resilient, sustainable societies.” You can watch via livestream on UN TV:

Other events, including exhibitions and special events, will be organized on the margins of the forum as well. You can learn more here.

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