Joint Evaluation of Joint Gender Programmes in the UN System
Resource date: 01 Nov 2013
Resource date: 01 Nov 2013
This evaluation is being undertaken to provide credible and useful evaluative information on the added value and worth of Joint Gender Programmes in the UN System (JGP) and to generate knowledge on JGP for their improvement, including the identification of key lessons learned and challenges and capturing best practices. More specifically, it aims to provide evaluative information for the strategic direction and use of JGP within the United Nations reform process and support future policy and guidance on their design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for a more coordinated and effective UN system contribution to advance gender equality at the country level. It will also be a key input to knowledge management on joint programming and programming for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The main objectives of the evaluation are to assess:
The eight partners to the joint evaluation include: the United Nations Development Fund for Children (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (UN Women), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Millennium Development Achievement Fund (MDG-F), the United Nations Development Coordination Operations Office (UNDOCO), the Government of Norway and the Government of Spain.
The case studies presented below are independent assessments of the joint programmes on gender equality in the United Nations system in Albania, Kenya, Liberia, Nicaragua and the State of Palestine.